The Skin I Live In
The Skin I Live In (2011)

The Skin I Live In

(13 głosów)




Even a long-standing passion for Almodovar like my wife's and mine could not save this from being his his worst film we have seen, ever (I hope we should not say "to date"). Starting from a superficial, almost childish depiction of the deviant surgeon's research this movie does little else than indulging in clichés.

The most interesting thing about Almodóvar's new film is how polarizing the reviews I read on IMDb are. It's his best film.

A film directed by Pedro Almodovar is always going to be weird, but this one is off the scale. A brilliant plastic surgeon Antonio Banderas) kidnaps the handsome young junkie who raped his daughter and exacts a ghastly revenge.

Almodovar, for me, is a talented director who makes hits and misses. 'Talk to Her', I believe, is his best film to date there are a couple of contenders for his worst.

A brilliant plastic surgeon (Antonio Banderas), haunted by past tragedies, creates a type of synthetic skin that withstands all kinds of damage. His experimental patient is a mysterious and volatile woman (Elena Anaya) who holds the key to his obsession.

Only the fact that this is a trendy foreign language film can have saved this film from the universal panning it so richly deserves. Weak attempts at humor created nervous titters in an audience who came believing they were to see an intelligent artistic piece and instead were subjected to poor special effects, science fiction with no science and characters whose actions were bewildering and obscene at the same time.

Love movies with a twist! it keeps you captivated and asking yourself whst happens next!

Definir esta película sin haber visto otras de Almodóvar me parece realmente complicado y mucho más sin desvelar nada de la trama. Almodóvar es capaz de crear un guión a partir de las más 'absurdas' ocurrencias y en vez de crear una comedia crea una compleja trama rebuscando en las entrañas de sus personajes.

There are two dream sequences in this film attributed to two of the main characters. The biggest dream however is the one you went to watch.
